COVID-19’s Impact on Nonprofits: Exploring new data on arts and culture nonprofits in Houston

Whether young or old, rich or poor, it’s highly likely that you benefit from the work of a nonprofit organization. Nonprofits provide vital services for people from all walks of life — from basic necessities like food and housing to enriching cultural experiences and houses of worship. As the third largest sector across the country, employing 11.4 million people, nonprofits provide many essential functions to society. Today, the organizations that enrich our lives and are relied upon during times of great need are also struggling due to COVID-19.

With COVID-19 disrupting financial stability around the world, businesses of all types are struggling to make ends meet, and nonprofits are no exception. In a March survey of 500 nonprofits by Charities Aid Foundation of America, nearly 97% of responding organizations reported negative impacts from COVID-19. Because many of the in-person fundraising events that nonprofits rely on have been cancelled, organizations are having to quickly adapt to raise funds in different ways. Those that generate income through program services are also experiencing massive disruption. More than two-thirds of nonprofits report reductions in funding, with 97% expecting sustained losses over the next 12 months. Additionally, more than 40% of these nonprofits expect funding to decrease by more than one-fifth.

This decrease in funding presents a huge worry to nonprofit employees. In theory, the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) could be helping these nonprofit organizations.  However, a study by the Johnson Center found the number of nonprofit jobs protected by the PPP was approximately 20% less than expected. A recent United Way report found that 1.64 million nonprofit workers nationwide lost their jobs between February through May. Our nonprofits are in dire need of assistance, and yet, they are not receiving the support they need in this pandemic.

How COVID-19 has affected Houston-area nonprofits 

Houston-area nonprofits are facing similar challenges. According to a mid-March survey of 76 regional nonprofit partners typically active in disaster response, the Greater Houston Community Foundation (GHCF) found that 85% of organizations expected a significant increase in demand for their services such as food, emergency financial assistance, and information and guidance at the onset of shutdowns. Simultaneously, half of these organizations reported insufficient resources to meet increased community needs. 

The visualization below highlights the top needs identified by nonprofits in mid-March, though we know their needs continue to evolve and potentially worsen as the pandemic continues.

Funding, tech solutions, sanitation supplies, protective equipment and additional volunteers are among the top needs of Houston-area nonprofits.

It is no surprise that the top four needs revolve around funding. More than 500 Houston nonprofits flooded the Greater Houston COVID-19 Recovery Fund’s open request process seeking financial support. These requests ranged from organizations that provide wide-ranging services to low-income families and specifically older adults, people with disabilities, and the medically uninsured to arts and cultural organizations seeking assistance to redesign services and support employees. Nonprofit financial needs far outnumber available funds, and fund administrators continue to share fund requests to raise awareness of current needs in our community and to encourage increased philanthropy during this difficult time. 

Nonprofits are truly on the front lines in our fight against this pandemic with employees risking their safety to help Houstonians survive, and they need support themselves. Arts and culture organizations in Houston have worked particularly hard to quantify the pandemic’s impact on the industry — one that is typically deprioritized in times of crises — to convey their great need as well. 

COVID’s impact on Houston-area Arts and Culture Nonprofits 

Greater Houston’s arts and culture nonprofits play a key role in making our region a vibrant place to live, work and play, providing residents with beautiful sights, exciting events and educational activities. Houston’s world-class museums, theaters and ballets attract visitors from around the world. In addition, these 600+ arts and culture nonprofits in the Greater Houston region generate around $1.12 billion in annual economic activity and employ around 30,000 Houstonians. The industry attracts more than 10 million people a year to 22,000 artist events. 

However, those statistics reflect a pre-COVID-19 reality. Now, this industry rooted in bringing people together is struggling to survive in the wake of the pandemic. The Houston Arts Alliance found that arts organizations estimate losses of $75 million in earned income from ticket sales, entry fees, etc., $6 million from cancelled programs, and $10 million in donations. 

While visual artists rely on digital platforms for the time being, performing artists look to new media to share their talents. With shows cancelled and art exhibits closed, arts organizations and individual artists are in distress. More than a quarter of all Houston artists have lost 100% of their income due to COVID-19, as the graph below demonstrates.

The needs assessment also found over 486 Houston artists have requested local emergency funds through the Greater Houston Area Artist Relief Fund. The following graph illustrates this urgent financial need, displaying artists’ lack of confidence in meeting monthly financial obligations.

An analysis of statewide unemployment insurance claims bears this out. The next graph highlights the huge jump in unemployment claims throughout Texas from people who worked in the arts, entertainment, and recreation industry prior to the COVID-19 outbreak. 

The number of unemployment insurance claims per week from the arts, entertainment, and recreation industry grew by more than 700% between the first and last weeks of March — a consequence of shutdowns and social distancing measures prompted by the novel coronavirus. While claims from the arts and culture industry comprise a small percentage of total unemployment claims, the impact on the region is significant, as we describe in the following section.

COVID-19’s Impact on Each Area of the Arts


Museums around Houston shut down from mid-March to May when COVID-19 emerged, which for many also included cancelling visiting speakers and events. To replace the in-person museum experience, many museums offered virtual experiences including films, tours, artist lectures and family activities for children at home, such as the #MFAHatHOME Virtual Experience and the Children’s Museum Daily Virtual Learning. The Fort Bend Museum has even started collecting oral histories from county residents to create a future exhibit about residents during the COVID-19 pandemic. Starting in late May, most museums reopened at 20–25% capacity. However, some museums, such as the Menil Collection, remain closed.


Theaters around the region began cancelling shows in the middle of March, with some theaters losing more than half of their 2019–20 season. In Montgomery County, the Crighton Theatre, the “Ultimate Venue-outside the Loop” according to the Houston Chronicle, optimistically still has shows scheduled for the middle of August. However, in Harris County, theaters, such as Theatre Under the Stars, are not planning in-person shows until December at the earliest. In the meantime, theaters are posting recordings of previous shows online and conducting summer camps over online platforms.

Houston Symphony

Houston Symphony started cancelling shows in the middle of March and was eventually forced to cancel the remainder of their 2019–20 season, losing 41 scheduled performances.  During these tough times, they have continued to support Houstonians with a series featuring their musicians playing together from their own homes. In July, they kicked off a new livestream performance series, Live from Jones Hall.

Houston Grand Opera

Starting in the middle of March, Houston Grand Opera was forced to cancel in-person shows until April 2021. This decision called off 33 of their 47 planned performances for this season. Until they are allowed to perform in person, they will continue to release bimonthly online video performances.

Houston Ballet

Houston Ballet made the final call to close for the “foreseeable future” in the beginning of April.  Forced to cancel the remainder of their 2019-20 season, Houston Ballet had to scrap 16 ballets. Additionally, their academy classes transitioned to online instruction with students moving out of dorms, and their summer intensive program has been cancelled. To keep students in practice, the academy faculty create virtual ballet classes for all levels. 

What can you do to help arts and culture nonprofits in Houston?

Even prior to COVID-19, many Houston-area artists found themselves in a precarious financial position. With the unprecedented impact COVID-19 has had on arts and culture nonprofits, creative professionals are often facing an increased burden from this global pandemic. Americans for the Arts estimates the financial impact of COVID-19 on national arts and culture organizations is $9.1 billion. While the data paints a grim picture for Houston-area arts and culture nonprofits, there are still ways to help these cherished institutions weather the storm. Here are some of the steps you can take to support our arts and culture nonprofits:

  • Donate to the Greater Houston Area Arts Relief Fund for artists and arts workers: (organized by the Houston Arts Alliance)
  • Participate in Houston in Action’s Art Votes
  • Check out these ideas for action from United Ways of Texas
  • Email for a list of nonprofits seeking additional funds.
  • Donate directly to your favorite arts and culture nonprofit.
  • Donate your tickets to performances, instead of asking for refunds.
  • Exchange your tickets for tickets to a future performance.
  • Buy tickets to online performances and other virtual experiences.
  • Enroll your children in online art/culture camps.
  • Buy season passes/subscriptions for the 2020-2021 season.
  • Attend online fundraisers for your favorite nonprofits.
  • Learn about more specific, personal ways to help artists by attending the Houston Arts Alliance Arts Town Hall:

How to make the most of Understanding Houston

Houston is known for many things — its sprawl, being the global energy capital, its infamous traffic, its world-class arts institutions and its inspiring levels of diversity, to name a few. But as a vast region that spans 9,500 square miles, no one piece of conventional wisdom about Houston applies to our whole region.

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Evictions during COVID-19 across Greater Houston

Evictions are on the rise in Houston. As the Covid-19 pandemic and economic downturn continues to batter Texas and the Greater Houston region, millions of families are wondering how they’re going to be able to pay the bills. According to a recent Census Bureau survey, 37% of adults in the Houston metropolitan area either missed last month’s rent or mortgage payment, or have slight or no confidence that their household can pay next month’s rent or mortgage on time.

Back in March, the Texas Supreme Court provided some initial relief to renters with a statewide moratorium halting all evictions. That moratorium expired in late May, however, and eviction filings are ramping back up, even at properties with federally backed mortgages covered by the CARES Act’s eviction moratorium, which ended on Friday. Public and philanthropic dollars are trying to fill in the gaps but the need is big and time is running out. 

Data can help us better understand and respond to this looming eviction crisis. January Advisors has been collecting data on eviction cases in Harris County for some time. We recently partnered with Princeton University’s Eviction Lab to collect data on eviction case filings each week in cities across the country for their COVID-19 Eviction Tracking System

In this post, I track eviction filings since January 2020 across Harris, Fort Bend, Galveston and Montgomery (partial data) counties to uncover how many evictions have been filed, where they’ve been filed, and which communities are bearing the brunt of eviction during COVID-19.

How many evictions have been filed?

Since March 19, 2020, when the Texas Supreme Court’s eviction moratorium went into effect, landlords have filed over 6,500 evictions across Greater Houston (Harris, Fort Bend, Galveston and Montgomery counties). This data comes from public court records collected by January Advisors through public-facing websites in each county. In Montgomery County, data is only made available for the Justice of the Peace Court Precinct 3 (Judge Matt Beasley).

The bulk of COVID-19 evictions have been filed in Harris County — 6,153 evictions — followed by Galveston (454) and Fort Bend (383) counties. Adjusted for the number of renters, however, Galveston County landlords emerge as the top evictors during this period: Since April, there have been 11.3 eviction cases filed for every 1,000 renter-occupied households in Galveston County compared with 8.6 in Harris County, 7.5 in Fort Bend County, and 3.5 in Montgomery County JP3.

Adjusted for the number of renters, Galveston has the highest rate of evictions in the Greater Houston region.

A higher eviction filing rate in Galveston reflects, in part, the differences in housing patterns and costs. Compared with Harris County, Galveston County is less urbanized, has fewer renters, and more homeowners. Residents who do rent in Galveston are more economically vulnerable and pay more of their incomes on rent, according to the latest American Community Survey estimates

Looking over time, the impact of the Texas Supreme Court’s eviction moratorium is striking. The chart below shows the eviction filing rate for each county since January 2020. Starting in late March, when the moratorium went into effect, the number of eviction cases dropped to near zero across the region within a week. 

The moratorium, however, did not prevent landlords from filing evictions — it only prevented courts from hearing these cases and kicking families out of their homes. In fact, many landlords continued to file eviction cases during April and May. During the two-month moratorium period, there were 1,650 eviction cases filed across the region.

Eviction filings have picked back up since the moratorium was lifted on May 18, although they remain below where they were before the pandemic. Across Greater Houston, over 5,400 eviction cases have been filed by landlords since the moratorium ended. For more information on the top evictors in Harris County, check out this daily eviction tracker.

Where are evictions being filed?

In Texas, eviction cases are heard by the Justice of the Peace Courts (JP Courts) in each county. These local judges have the power and discretion to postpone eviction cases if they choose. In Dallas, for example, JPs have agreed to halt evictions through the summer as families and businesses try to make ends meet. Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo and Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner have urged Harris County JPs to do the same, and some have followed suit, but so far there is no countywide or regional agreement among Justices of the Peace. 

To get a better sense of the geography of eviction filings and the growing case load, the map below breaks down eviction case filing rates by JP precincts in all four counties (note: each precinct in Harris County has two judges). To overlay the unadjusted filing counts, click the box in the top right corner.

Overall, the top three JP precincts with the highest rate of eviction case filings are Harris County JP 4 and 7 (10.3 and 10 filings per 1,000 renter households), and Galveston County JP 1 (9.6), followed by JP 3 in Harris County (9.1) and JP 2 in Fort Bend (9/1). 

In Harris County, JP 5 has the highest raw number of eviction filings of any precinct – but it also has the highest number of renters (over 230,000). Still, housing advocates tracking hearings have noted that Judge Russ Ridgway and Judge Jeff Williams are also hearing more eviction cases than any other JP in Harris County — at the same time, some of their colleagues are suspending hearings. Precinct #5 — which covers neighborhoods in Southwest Houston — is also being hit hard by Covid-19

Who is at risk of eviction in Greater Houston?

Black/African American renters in Greater Houston have been more likely to receive an eviction than other race-ethnic groups during this period. Since March 19, more than a third (36%) of eviction cases are estimated to be filed against Black leaseholders, despite the fact that Black householders only make up 28% of all renter households in the region.

By contrast, White renters make up an estimated 29% of eviction cases (on par with their share of renter households) while Latino/Hispanic and Asian-American leaseholders are underrepresented in eviction filings relative to their share of renter households.

Race-ethnicity estimates of leaseholders were generated using a statistical model that takes into account the leaseholders’ last name (comparing it to the Census Bureau’s surname list) and the race-ethnicity of their census tract of residence (Read more about the methodology here). 

Higher rate of evictions among Black residents is not unique to Houston nor to the current crisis. This pattern reflects a long history of discriminatory housing and employment policies in the United States that have left many Black residents with substandard housing in segregated neighborhoods, less wealth and access to financial resources, and greater economic vulnerability during economic downturns (See here, here, and here for more in-depth discussions). 

It is also important to remember that these data only reflect eviction cases that have been filed in court. An unknown number of informal evictions are likely taking place during this period in which landlords are threatening eviction and renters leave. Foreign-born and undocumented residents, who are more likely to be from Latino and Asian American communities, may be more vulnerable to these types of evictions.

In fact, recent data collected by the Census Bureau finds that Hispanic/Latino renters in Houston are twice as likely to report slight or no confidence in their ability to pay next month’s rent — 67% among Hispanic/Latino renters compared with 34% and 33% among White and Black renters.

What can be done to limit evictions?

If we hope to contain the spread of the virus and keep our community healthy, throwing families who cannot pay rent out on the street will only make things worse. Moreover, the high levels of eviction filings we see in Houston are not inevitable: Harris and Galveston counties saw more evictions the week of July 12–18 than Austin, Boston, Cleveland, Jacksonville, Kansas City, St. Louis, Milwaukee and Richmond combined.

Although evictions are just one of the many pressing concerns Houston faces at this moment, it is one that is preventable if local, state, and federal officials act quickly. Here are just a few ideas about what can be done:

  • Extend (and enforce) the CARES Act moratorium: There is mounting evidence that the CARES Act eviction moratorium, which prevented landlords with federally backed mortgages from filing evictions, helped reduce the number of evictions filed, even if some landlords, out of ignorance or indifference, violated the ban. The federal moratorium ended on Friday (7/24), however, paving the way for a flood of evictions in the coming weeks. Congress needs to renew the moratorium, expand it to cover ALL renters, and ensure there are consequences for landlords who violate the eviction ban.
  • Delay eviction proceedings: Local city councils and county Justices of the Peace can enact their own ordinances and agreements to delay eviction hearings and prevent tenants from being evicted. Dallas JP’s are refusing to hear eviction cases. Austin’s city council decided to extend its eviction moratorium. Why can’t local officials in the Houston area do the same thing?
  • Give tenants more time: Even if some judges refuse to hear cases during this period, these cases do not simply go away. Landlords can and will continue to file eviction cases through the summer, and renters who are behind on rent will be at risk of eviction. Given the scale of job losses, it is unlikely that most renters will be able to catch up on back rent in the near future. Austin and Dallas passed grace period ordinances, which give renters more time to catch up on late rent payments before being evicted. Counties in the Houston region should follow suit.
  • Tenant’s right to counsel: Most tenants, if they attend their eviction trials at all, do not have legal representation. In Harris County, tenants were assisted by attorneys in only 4% of eviction cases since March 19, 2020. A right to counsel would ensure that renters are better protected from predatory landlords, especially those who are openly violating the CARES Act eviction ban (and its possible extension).
  • More income and rental assistance is needed: As Congress debates the details of the next pandemic bill, the millions of families at risk of eviction should be at top of mind. Bans and delays in eviction cases do not solve the larger problem: If tenants can’t make rent, many landlords can’t pay their mortgages or their employees. If we do not do more to support renters, the entire housing system is at risk of collapse. 

After six federal disasters in five years, why do we not fully prepare?

Fellow Houstonians, we are one month into the 2020 Atlantic Hurricane Season. Experts predict another above-average hurricane season this year — meaning we could see more storms active in the Atlantic Ocean and Gulf Coast. Indeed, the beginning of the season has already been very active.

Houstonians have experienced the devastation and loss from six federally declared flooding disasters in the past five years, most notably Hurricane Harvey. Weather events do not have to be a national disaster to make an impact. Even one inch of water inside a home can cause $25,000 worth of damage. Flood events that were believed to occur every 50 years have been occurring annually in recent years. This is not an anomaly. Research shows the frequency and intensity of rainstorms have increased throughout the Houston area, and the number of extreme precipitation days is only projected to worsen in the coming years.

Even one inch of water inside a home can cause $25,000 worth of damage.”

People in general are not great about preparing for natural disasters like flooding and hurricanes. Psychologically, our minds have a hard time grappling with massive, far-off, highly uncertain things, which can result in poor decision-making if we are caught without a plan. Also, we tend to have short memories about how we felt in the throes of disaster – diminished memories reduce the sense of urgency we feel to prepare. For example, an August 2018 (one year after the historic Hurricane Harvey) online poll found that 72% of residents in Texas had not taken any precautions in advance of hurricane season and nearly two-thirds did not have an emergency bag prepared. And, given how eventful the first half of this year has been, it’s not surprising that preparing for hurricane season is not top-of-mind for most of us. But, it must be. Here’s why.

How COVID-19 complicates natural disaster preparation 

Imagine there is an invisible shield protecting our community from the negative effects of flooding and natural disasters. This shield is composed of layers that include a prepared, healthy, financially and economically secure populace; a well-resourced and unconstrained nonprofit sector; plentiful capacity in our hospitals and emergency management sectors; and, of course, strong feelings of trust within and connection to our community at large. All these factors contribute to a community’s resilience and recovery from a disaster, strengthening the shield. 

But this shield can only be as strong as its weakest layer, and right now, all layers are stretching their limits. We are experiencing record unemployment. More than 800,000 families in the Houston-area were economically insecure before the pandemic, and many are struggling financially as a result of impacts from COVID-19. Nonprofits are working at maximum capacity serving those affected by COVID-19. Our hospitals are beginning to reach capacity. And we are currently fighting the worst pandemic in a century, meaning resources are strained across the board — both public and private. Complicating rescue and recovery efforts, “neighbors helping neighbors” has added risk during a time when we need to practice social distancing. Even more worrisome, social distancing will be challenging in venues like NRG or the George R. Brown Convention Center which typically serve as temporary shelters during and immediately after major storms.

The protective shield is made stronger each time one of us takes action to improve our chances of bouncing back from a serious storm.

That’s why it is all the more important to actually prepare this year, Houston. The protective shield is made stronger each time one of us takes action to improve our chances of bouncing back from a serious storm. This includes doing things like preparing a disaster kit, formalizing a communication plan with our loved ones, and protecting ourselves and our homes. It is imperative we do these things since there is so much that we cannot control.

Take these steps now to prepare

  1. Get information. Visit your county’s Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Management website for excellent resources on preparing for a natural disaster, particularly during a pandemic. These sites have checklists and suggested plans for preparing disaster kits, caring for your pets, communicating with loved ones, reviewing flood zone maps, and purchasing flood insurance.
  2. Prepare a disaster kit
  3. Complete a family communication plan. Plan how you will assemble your family and loved ones, and anticipate where you will go for different situations. Get together with your family and agree on the ways to contact one another in an emergency, identify meeting locations, and make a Family Emergency Communication Plan.
  4. Assess flooding risk. Know if your home is at risk of flooding. You can view a Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM or floodplain map) at the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s Map Service Center or at your county emergency site.
  5. Consider purchasing flood insurance. Harris County Flood Control District recommends that all Harris County residents become informed about their flood risk and have flood insurance no matter where they reside in Harris County. Flood insurance accelerates the rebuilding and replacement of personal property and fosters community resiliency as a whole. For information on flood insurance, visit the National Flood Insurance Program website or call 1-888-379-9531.
  6. Sign up for emergency alerts. The Flood Warning System (FWS) offers an alert feature that allows residents to subscribe to and receive email/text alerts that report near real-time rainfall and water levels. Residents are able to customize alerts and notifications for bayous and tributaries in their particular areas of interest. Sign up for the Alert Notification System at
  7. Don’t get complacent – educate yourself. Check out these other great resources.

We may contain COVID, but storms are here to stay

Time will tell if 2020’s COVID-complicated hurricane season will bring a storm as historic or destructive as Hurricane Harvey, but the steps we take to strengthen our shield today can also help to fortify our region for future natural disasters. After all, a lasting solution to COVID-19 may be around the corner, but flooding and hurricanes in Greater Houston are here to stay.

If you haven’t already, get ready. Hurricane season is a six-month marathon from June 1 through November 30. Let’s do our best to fortify that protective shield for our entire community. Let’s prepare, Houston.

Stand Together: A Call to Action from Houston Coalition Against Hate

Mother nature has shaken us to the core. Everything we thought we believed and valued is being challenged and tested. She is calling our selves to ourselves. She is moving us toward introspection and self-reflection, to self-forgiveness, to self-love, to forgiveness for the greater good, to unconditional love through accountability via our individual character and nature.

Audre Lorde brilliantly said, “Your silence will not protect you.” Silence in the face of injustice will ruin you. It is time to heed the call to courage by tapping into our hearts. The time has come for courageous people to stand up for and with others. These times are no longer for complacency and complicities. We must embrace the shadows of what is implicit and firmly rooted in systemic and societal oppression and do something.

If there ever was doubt over our human connectedness, COVID taught us otherwise. It took a pandemic to demonstrate how the neglect of our most vulnerable and marginalized populations made the whole world vulnerable. For the first time ever, folks started to realize the importance of universal healthcare, the eradication of homelessness, and the impact of mental illness. How quickly these struggles could affect any one of us sunk in. Suddenly, it was significant that everyone have a place to rest with functioning utilities to maintain the necessary standards of cleanliness in order to combat this virus. Exactly who our essential workers are and the gargantuan sacrifice imposed upon them — understood.

Then, in the throes of a pandemic, with most of the nation locked down, social distancing, working from home, schooling from home, mourning and grieving the loss of so many, video footage of the cold-blooded murder of Ahmaud Arbery by vigilantes was thrust in our faces. Nineteen days later, Breonna Taylor was executed by police in her own home. Just when we thought we were catching our breath and mending our hearts, police murdered George Floyd. Plenty other Black, Brown and Trans lives have been taken in between and after, not so heavily publicized and scrutinized.

Our eyes have never deceived us, but this time our heads were unable to turn and escape the discomfort of knowing via sports, live entertainment and our personal and professional social lives. Grand juries of the broken hearted materialized everywhere catapulting us into the largest Civil Rights era ever in the history of this country with the manifestation of deep awakening and reckoning ever so present on the horizon. With much respect to the late, great Gil Scott Heron — this time, the revolution was televised. Finally the hashtags #blacklivesmatter #allblacklivesmatter have begun to be understood. Never have I been more stoked, inspired and hopeful for what’s to come.

Native American tradition asserts we are the answer to prayers prayed seven generations ago by those who walked this earth before us. Quite simply put — we are the answer. We must cease turning to others for solutions, looking for others to carry the burden, to do the work, to relieve us. Perhaps we do this as a last-ditch attempt for relief from our discomfort not realizing we are only postponing bringing forth the very purpose of our existence and the world we all desire to live in. Each and every one of us, after periods of introspection and grief, must not be still. I implore you to action in your individual lives pushing the needle ever so gracefully, personally and professionally supporting much needed shifts in our culture and systems.

African tradition orates one’s character is the true determining factor in the attainment of one’s destiny. My desire for each and every one of us is that our characters not ruin our destiny.

I invite you to consider this Hopi Elder’s prophecy written June 8, 2000:

You have been telling people that this is the Eleventh Hour, now you must go back

and tell the people that this is the Hour. And there are things to be considered…

Where are you living?

What are you doing?

What are your relationships?

Are you in right relation?

Where is your water?

Know your garden.

It is time to speak your truth.

Create your community.

Be good to each other.

And do not look outside yourself for your leader.

Then he clasped his hands together, smiled, and said, “This could be a good time!

There is a river flowing now very fast. It is so great and swift that there are those who will be afraid. They will try to hold on to the shore. They will feel they are being torn apart and will suffer greatly. Know the river has its destination. The elders say we must let go of the shore, push off into the middle of the river, keep our eyes open, and our heads above the water.

And I say, see who is in there with you and celebrate. At this time in history, we are to take nothing personally, least of all ourselves. For the moment that we do, our spiritual growth and journey come to a halt.

The time of the lone wolf is over. Gather yourselves! Banish the word ’struggle’ from your attitude and your vocabulary. All that we do now must be done in a sacred manner and in celebration.

We are the ones we’ve been waiting for.

In the spirit of that prophecy, we took action. In early 2017, concerned by reports of the steady rise in incidents of hate and bias in Houston, especially incidents against African-American, Jewish, Muslim and LGBTQ communities, a group of over 30 community stakeholders came together to develop a coordinated community-wide plan — to speak our truth, to create our community, and to be good to one another.

Over the next two years, the group organized itself as the Houston Coalition Against Hate (HCAH) and has worked toward strengthening connections among organizations working in this space, facilitating the exchange of information, skills and experience, and establishing partnerships with law enforcement agencies and other institutions, so that Houston can improve its systems to effectively prevent and reduce incidents of hate.

In the past two years the Coalition has steadily and consistently grown with membership at well over 65 members strong. If you have been a member of the Coalition joining us in the fight against hate, bias, violence, and discrimination in the City of Houston, we thank you. If you are an organization or institution, not yet a member, we invite you. Without you, there is no us.

Tasked and Onwards,

Marjorie Joseph, Executive Director

Houston Coalition Against Hate

About the author:
Marjorie Joseph is Executive Director of Houston Coalition Against Hate, a network of community-based organizations, institutions and leaders in Houston, TX that have come together to collectively address incidents of hate, bias, discrimination and violence against Houstonians. She is an artist, organizer, and uses the creative process as a force for individual and community transformation.

COVID-19 Recovery and the Ongoing Challenges Facing Houston Entrepreneurs

The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has impacted Houston’s business community so drastically that no company is too big — or too small — to feel its effects. Even the healthiest businesses have found themselves in need of emergency assistance to stave off layoffs or permanent closure as a result of plummeting levels of consumer spending, stay-home orders, and fear of catching and spreading the virus to loved ones. And while programs like the Small Business Administration’s (SBA) Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) have provided valuable assistance to a number of employers, many of Houston’s small business entrepreneurs who most need these funds to survive have been unable to access them — particularly female entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs of color.

The state of minority and female-owned small businesses in Houston 

Houston is nationally recognized for its racial/ethnic diversity as people of color make up two-thirds of residents living in Houston’s three most populous counties. This reputation carries over to our small business community. According to a national analysis, Houston ranks first in the United States for minority entrepreneurs, based on criteria such as startup density, rate of new entrepreneurs, percentage of companies owned by minorities, and access to financial resources.

Despite Houston ranking first in the U.S. for minority entrepreneurs, business owners of color are still underrepresented in the Houston area and face unique challenges.

About 38% of Houston’s small businesses are minority-owned, higher than the rate for the state. In Fort Bend County, 53% of small businesses are minority-owned.  Woman-owned businesses are underrepresented in our regional economy —  just 29% of small businesses in Houston are women-owned.

These businesses reflect the entrepreneurial spirit of Houstonians — forging their own economic path with talent and persistence — sometimes as a necessity to overcome employment barriers, challenges in building personal wealth, and discrimination.

The importance of small businesses and Paycheck Protection Program loans 

Both in Houston and across the nation, small businesses are vital to the financial and economic health of our communities. About 63% (68,500) of firms in the Houston Metro area are small businesses with fewer than 10 employees, according to the 2018 Annual Business Survey from the Census Bureau. Across the three-county region, 559,000 establishments with no paid employees (representing self-employed entrepreneurs) — generated $28 billion in receipts in 2017, according to the Census Bureau’s Nonemployer Statistics. 

As a means of helping these businesses weather the economic storm accompanying the COVID-19 pandemic, the federal Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loan began to deploy $349 billion to provide “small businesses” with up to $10 million in forgivable loans as long as certain requirements are met. The program allowed all businesses — including nonprofits, veterans organizations, tribal businesses, sole proprietorships, self-employed individuals and independent contractors — with 500 or fewer employees to apply.1

Issues with the Paycheck Protection Program loans

While the broad eligibility criteria allowed many small businesses to apply for relief, the exceedingly fast process and unclear guidance for borrowers and lenders had a narrowing effect, as businesses with significant capacity and legal/financial expertise were best positioned to apply. Furthermore, the 7(a) loan was quickly administered by banks that were existing SBA-certified lenders, a pool of lenders that has been criticized as having an insufficient track record of providing access to capital to underserved businesses owned by women and people of color.

In less than 14 days, all PPP funds were exhausted due to high demand, with more than 1.6 million loans processed by about 5,000 lenders.2 It’s estimated that as of April 17, approximately 80% of small businesses that applied for a loan were still waiting for answers the day after the program ran out of funds.  

Why minority- and woman-owned businesses in Houston are struggling

Even before COVID-19, many Houston-area small businesses, microbusinesses, and sole proprietorships led by historically marginalized communities and women faced financial challenges at disproportionate levels relative to White small business owners in our region. On average, minority-owned businesses in Houston are denied loans at three times the rate of non-minority-owned firms. The COVID-19 pandemic has only exacerbated these challenges in Houston. Many small businesses owned by minorities historically have lacked access to established accounting infrastructure and banking relationships that would allow them to access substantive capital such as the federal PPP loan. 

Some issues that prevent small businesses from accessing capital through PPP loans include: 

  • Low employee count: The financial incentives associated with PPP loans encouraged lenders to serve clients with larger loan sizes, meaning larger “small businesses” were more likely to have their requests approved than those with fewer employees. For context, 90% of businesses owned by a woman or minority in Metro Houston have fewer than 100 employees, according to the Annual Survey of Entrepreneurs. In response, some large banks have donated their fees totalling millions of dollars to nonprofit organizations. 
  • Smaller operations: Given that microbusinesses, sole proprietors, and contractors often have very low fixed costs (e.g., payroll, rent, utilities), the PPP loan rules and forgiveness conditions often do not truly apply to many small/micro minority- and/or woman-owned businesses as they are more likely than other groups to not have employees and significant overhead costs.

Major local efforts in Houston to support small businesses have faced challenges, despite good intentions. For example, a $10 million loan fund in Harris County was depleted in less than 48 hours, with broad eligibility criteria and credit requirements that made it difficult for small/microbusinesses led by people of color to access these funds.

Understanding Houston’s needs on the long road to recovery

Small businesses are critical to our region’s economic success. When small/micro-business owners and self-employed entrepreneurs are unable to provide for themselves, their employees and their families, entire communities suffer. And when the safety nets in place are unable to accommodate the needs of the most vulnerable small business owners, the economic inequalities affecting our region will only intensify.

As our region continues to work toward a long recovery process, thoughtful and direct action on behalf of minority- and woman-owned businesses will be needed to help these valuable institutions survive. Access to the right information is vital to making these important decisions. As we research and work toward a plan for our region, we invite you to explore the data, get involved and use Understanding Houston to learn more about what matters in our communities. 

End Notes:

1 Businesses in certain industries can have more than 500 employees if they meet applicable SBA employee-based size standards for those industries.
2 “The SBA has processed more than 14 years’ worth of loans in less than 14 days,” said U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven T. Mnuchin and SBA Administrator Jovita Carranza in a joint statement.

Words of Unity: 14 Texas Voices Inspiring Hope in Our Region

The strength and substance of our communities at their best are defined by what we do during times of turmoil. Houston is a do community. In times of peace and crisis, we work together and strive to make Houston a more vibrant place.

Our strength is also defined by the words and perspectives we offer to help those around us find unity in the face of adversity. Challenges like Hurricane Harvey and the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic have showcased our region’s undeniable ability to help and inspire one another in crises. And now as we collectively mourn and reflect upon the death of Houstonian George Floyd while in police custody, and others who have died senselessly in recent months, we once again turn to the voices that aim to inspire and heal our communities in this time of meaningful action.

While no quote can repair the wounds left and exposed by George Floyd’s death, these words from community leaders across the private and public sectors have helped to drive the conversation and shape progress — in the Greater Houston region and beyond.

Greg Abbott, Governor of Texas

“Texas has a legacy of success, whether it be the Timothy Cole Act, the Sandra Bland Act, and now maybe the George Floyd Act to make sure that we prevent police brutality like this from happening in the future in Texas…George Floyd is going to change the arc of the future of the United States. George Floyd has not died in vain. His life will be a living legacy about the way that America and Texas responds to this tragedy.

George W. Bush, Former Governor of Texas and Former President of the United States

“It is time for America to examine our tragic failures — and as we do, we will also see some of our redeeming strengths … America’s greatest challenge has long been to unite people of very different backgrounds into a single nation of justice and opportunity. The doctrine and habits of racial superiority, which once nearly split our country, still threaten our Union. The answers to American problems are found by living up to American ideals — to the fundamental truth that all human beings are created equal and endowed by God with certain rights.

Rev. Marcus D. Cosby, of Wheeler Avenue Baptist Church

It is perfectly OK to be angry. As a matter of fact, if you’re not angry something is not right. You should be angry. You should be infuriated by what we have seen. Experience the anger. Process that anger so it can move to positive action so we can make sure that something changes. It’s how we channel our anger, so it does not become vengeful but at the same time it has to be an anger that leads to difference, leads to change. Until we change that notion and understand that we’re all God’s children, we’re one family, we’re one future.”

Commissioner Rodney Ellis, Harris County Precinct 1

“The solutions we need right now — both to protect our safety and to rescue our democracy — are ones that meet the scale of the problem. To respond to George Floyd’s killing, or Breonna Taylor’s killing, we must replace the questions about how to reform policing with questions about what role a discriminatory system of mass incarceration should play in a broader vision for safety and justice in America.

As elected leaders, we can do better — and our communities deserve better. As your Commissioner, I pledge to do my part. In doing so, we will all be safer and healthier. Change is long overdue, but transformation is possible.”

Commissioner Adrian Garcia, Harris County Precinct 2

“As we mourn the loss of George Floyd, we must remember that the problems exhibited in that horrendous video are a reflection of the societal problems that still exist in our country today. George’s family needs to know that their loss will not be in vain. Loss of life by police action, no matter how it happened, is something that creates a tear in the fabric of our society. I believe we have the capacity to come together to address the prejudices, misunderstanding and lack of respect that may have led to George’s death… We can and must do better, because when tragedy has knocked on our doors, we have responded as a united community. We are known around the world for our capacity to unite under the most difficult times and the nation needs our example more than ever today. The Floyd family needs us to unite around them and lift them up in this darkest hour.”

Rep. Al Green, Texas 9th Congressional District

“I am not here today as a Democrat. We are not here as Republicans. We are not here today because we are rich or poor and we are not here because we are conservative or liberal. We are here because… we have no expendables in our community. George Floyd was not expendable… we are going to make sure that those who look through time, that they will know that he made a difference in his time because he changed not only this country, not only the United States — he changed the world. George Floyd changed the world.”

Bob Harvey, President and CEO of Greater Houston Partnership

“While the issues of racial inequity and systemic racism are not unique to Houston, we have an opportunity as Houstonians to lead the way in reforming broken systems, building up communities, offering support and removing barriers. We often speak with pride of Houston being ‘America’s most diverse city.’ This is our moment to make Houston ‘America’s most inclusive and open city’, one that does truly offer ‘opportunity for all.’”

Lina Hidalgo, Harris County Judge

“We must never forget the name George Floyd or the global movement he has inspired. George Floyd’s death, and the deaths of Breonna Taylor, Sandra Bland, Tamir Rice, Ahmaud Arbery, and too many others have sparked a national conversation about race and police brutality. It has taken far too long for us to get here, but we must lean forward and work to make meaningful change in our nation. No family should lose another loved one in such a senseless way. Systemic racism has no place in Harris County.

Beyoncé Knowles

“No more senseless killings of human beings. No more seeing people of color as less than human. We can no longer look away. George is all of our family and humanity. He is our family because he is a fellow American… justice is far from being achieved. Continue to pray for peace and compassion and healing for our country.”

Dr. Ruth J. Simmons, President, Prairie View A&M on the launch of the Center for Race and Justice

“Today’s events call upon us to take action. Not one-time action but action that can have an impact on our community over time. For too long, we have been content to have others dictate the limits of our ability to act: individuals who call for a different course of action, those who are concerned about controversy, those who advocate “staying in our lane.”… Fighting racism and discrimination and upholding justice must always be among our highest callings.”

Sylvester Turner, Mayor of the City of Houston

“We recognize in this city that there are many communities and neighborhoods that have been underserved and under-resourced for decades…. We see you and we choose not to ignore you and we want to do everything we can to treat you with the respect and the decency that you rightfully deserve…We are taking an internal look in our own city to improve those inequities to make things better. We recognize our diversity, and we recognize that we must constantly assess and evaluate the things that we are doing such that our city works for everyone at every level of operation.”

Frances Valdez, with Houston in Action partners

Avenue, BakerRipley, Children’s Defense Fund-Texas, Emgage, Empowering Communities Initiative, Grassroots Leadership, Houston Endowment, Houston Justice, Jolt, Korean American Voters League, League of Women Voters Houston, Mi Familia Vota Education Fund, MOVE Texas Action Fund, Movement Voter Project, OCA-Greater Houston, Texans Against Gerrymandering, Texas Advocates for Justice, The Montrose Center, Workers Defense Project, Young Invincibles in an email to Houston in Action members and partners dated June 12, 2020.

“What recent protests have shown is that there is a role for each of us to play in ending violence against the Black community… it’s incumbent upon us to know this history, to do our part to reverse its effects on the people of our communities, and to break-down the barriers, especially those rooted in a history of oppression, that have been put in the path of marginalized communities…. Marching in the streets, protests at institutions of power, speaking out against racism, fighting for justice, organizing community members, giving of one’s time, contributing financially, educating others, volunteering, making art, caring for one’s self, caring for loved ones, caring for community, donating your expertise, getting everyone counted in the Census, voting, registering others to vote, living with dignity, and speaking truth to power are all ways in which Houston-area residents participate in shaping systems that govern and work for the change in their community—and [we] will never stop working for their ability to do so.”

JJ Watt, Community Activist, Houston Texans Defensive End

I have never had to feel that fear for my life. I have never had to experience a situation where I felt threatened because of the color of my skin. I can’t sit here and pretend to know what that feels like. But I can understand and acknowledge that it’s wrong and that nobody should ever feel discriminated against because of the color of their skin. Racism is a problem and silence won’t solve it. I certainly don’t have the answers, nor do I pretend to. But I do intend to listen, learn, understand and ask how I can help.”

100 Black Men Metropolitan Houston

“The Declaration of Independence proclaimed: ‘We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.’ Unfortunately, none of those words applied to Black people when they were written. Though the journey was never easy, our communities have united throughout American history to effectuate change and give those words purpose, effect and meaning.

We are at another historical inflection point, our communities are uniting and we are again marching toward change. We are united by an undeniable fact that racism exists. Some people will never appreciate the effects of racism; the fear, the stigma, and the oppression that it creates… The 100 Black Men of Metropolitan Houston will always fight racism and racial inequality. We will always support peaceful protests. We will always seek to be the change our community seeks. We will never forget the sacrifices of Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, George Floyd or the countless other Black lives that have been wrongfully taken. And we celebrate the 60,000 Houstonians from all ethnicities and backgrounds who peacefully protested and paid homage to Mr. Floyd’s memory.”

Inspired by the cause, driven by the facts

As our region works to enact meaningful change in our communities, seeing the full picture and working with accurate and meaningful data will be critical in directing future philanthropy and activism. Understanding Houston is committed to making such vital data and information accessible to illuminate where our region’s challenges lie, so that our communities can take action to do the work that matters most, where it matters most.

Help us spread the knowledge by exploring the data, getting involved and using Understanding Houston to learn more about what matters in our communities.

Seven Neighborhood-Level Data Tools to Know and Use

Neighborhoods matter. Where we live has a profound impact on our lives in ways we don’t always understand.

Maps and dashboards that provide quality-of-life data at the neighborhood-level are a key piece to the puzzle of understanding communities. Understanding Houston focuses on county-level data to measure how the region performs overall and across time, but we know that place matters when it comes to moving the needle for the whole region. That’s why we have curated a list of special tools that help you understand Houston’s neighborhoods a little better.

Houston Community Data Connections (HCDC) from Rice University’s Kinder Institute for Urban Research 

The tool

HCDC launched in 2017 to arm community leaders with data to inform planning and decision-making. The site contains a robust online dashboard that provides neighborhood-level indicators for Harris County and a research gallery of interactive data stories on a variety of topics related to demographics, housing, poverty/income and more. The dashboard allows users to overlay various indicators on a map, view detailed community profiles, and compare neighborhoods to one another and over time.

Why we love it

Create custom maps of Harris County based on six variables.

This tool is excellent if you want to create maps to include in your presentations and want a quick profile of a particular neighborhood. We also love how the interactive data stories present a variety of data in context with analysis on fascinating topics. Be sure to view the FAQs and training guide before beginning to get the most from this tool.

Opportunity 360 from Enterprise Community Partners

The tool

Opportunity360 Community Dashboard offers a comprehensive view of any neighborhood in the country by measuring five foundational criteria shown to have the greatest impact on how we live: housing stability, education, health and well-being, mobility, and economic security.

Why we love it

The Opportunity360 Community Dashboard offers more than 150 indicators from 27 sources and can compare up to three census tracts at one time. Users request dashboards by entering a location or address and then receive the dashboard via email. The interactive dashboard allows users to export data, filter visuals, print, and hyperlink to specific sections. Be sure to check out Opportunity360’s list of resources, FAQs, and methods. Opportunity360 also offers additional tools, resources, and reports on how other organizations used the data to inform their decision-making and planning, so be sure to explore the website.

Opportunity Atlas, a collaboration among researchers at the Census Bureau, Harvard University, and Brown University

The tool

Opportunity Atlas is an interactive tool that measures the extent to which groups move up (or down) the economic ladder by looking at various outcomes of adults and back-mapping where they grew up. Users can select which adult outcomes they want to explore (e.g., household income) for a demographic group (e.g., low-income Asian women) by various neighborhood characteristics (e.g., poverty rate).

Why we love it

The census tract-level data reveal insights about communities most likely to produce adults with promising or poor outcomes. The mapping feature allows you to see how neighborhoods in close proximity can produce adults with vastly dissimilar outcomes, or how different groups in the same neighborhood have contrasting outcomes.

Use interactive maps to explore outcomes in health, education, income and more by census tract.

You can download maps as images to include in presentations, download the data itself, and overlay your own data onto the map. Don’t forget to explore interactive stories on the site that are not only insightful, but also give you ideas on how to begin. And, as always, familiarize yourself with the user guide, methods, and FAQs before you begin.

Child Opportunity Index from Diversity Data Kids

The tool

The Child Opportunity Index (COI) measures and maps the quality of resources and conditions that matter for children to develop in a healthy way. It combines data from 29 neighborhood-level indicators into a single composite measure. 

Why we love it

Users select a metropolitan area to view census tracts. You can also see where children of different racial/ethnic groups live, compare metro areas, download datasets, and view data stories for greater insights. If you have questions after reading the report, reviewing the technical document, and looking over the FAQs, be sure to contact them.

Houston-Galveston Area Council

The tool

Houston-Galveston Area Council (H-GAC) is a regional organization through which local governments consider issues and collaborate to solve region-wide problems. H-GAC provides extensive research and data to the public through online visual and mapping tools to inform local and regional planning, programming, policy-making, and decision-making. 

Why we love it

Access a variety of planning and policy research and reports for the Houston region.

There is a ton of information here. Depending on availability, data are provided at various geographic levels, including census tracts. Find data and analysis on several topics ranging from employment, environment, land use/planning, transportation including commuting flows and mobility, and population. from the Census Bureau

The tool

The Census Bureau is the nation’s leading provider of quality data about its people and economy. The best way to access data collected and prepared by the Census Bureau is through, the Bureau’s new data platform designed for all users – not just researchers. The Census Bureau conducts the decennial census, economic census, demographic surveys, economic surveys, housing surveys, provides population estimates and counts, and produces original research.

Simply search for a topic of interest in your community to find the latest available data from the U.S. Census Bureau.

Why we love it

You can access demographic data at the zip code, census block, block group, and tract level. Users are able to create maps and manipulate data tables for efficiency. The Census Bureau has provided several resources to help users learn this new platform and hone data skills with their Census Academy. Learning tools include data gem videos, online courses, previously-recorded webinars and upcoming webinars.

Location Efficiency Tools from the Center for Neighborhood Technology

The tool

Location Efficiency Tools are a suite of web-based tools, comparison maps, downloadable data, research reports, and more that can help communities become more convenient and livable. The Center for Neighborhood Technology (CNT) works to improve cities’ economic and environmental sustainability, resilience, and quality of life.

Why we love it

The Housing and Transportation (H+T) Affordability Index, one of the tools, provides a comprehensive view of affordability that includes both the cost of housing and the cost of transportation at the neighborhood level. The website contains four tools (H+T Index map, H+T Fact Sheets, Total Driving Costs tool, and Comparison Maps). There’s a lot of info here too, so be sure to check out the about section to learn more about the data available, read the user guide, and find FAQs.

Making a difference starts with the right information

Whether you’re conducting research for a new proposal or looking for data that can help you better direct your own community efforts, using the right tools to find the best information is always a good first step. And, Understanding Houston is a great place to start. Featuring over 200 indicators on key quality of life issues, Understanding Houston aggregates and analyzes county-level data over time with state and national comparisons. 

We also share new research and analysis that is important to Greater Houston now. From the ongoing effects of COVID-19 to disparities in life expectancies throughout Greater Houston, we’re measuring the things that matter to help Houstonians do what matters. Join us and stay in the conversation by getting involved, following us on social media or signing up for our newsletter. 

COVID-19’s potential impact in Greater Houston, by the numbers

COVID-19 has upended lives around the globe, and Houston is no exception. We continue to hear the worst is yet to come, but it’s difficult to fully comprehend what that means or take proper action without context. To mitigate the effects of this global public health crisis in our region, we must understand the scope of vulnerability in the Greater Houston area.

While we can’t predict the future of COVID-19, we can use local data to better understand what may be in store for our region so we can take collective action to reduce the risk to the most vulnerable communities.

Want to give back and get involved? Visit to learn more about the Greater Houston COVID-19 Recovery Fund, and how your support can help our neighbors who need it the most. 

The “current” state of affairs

It’s challenging to stay fully informed of the crisis as the number of cases, deaths and recoveries varies depending on when and where you look. Officially, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) reports more than 304,800 cases in the nation, while the Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center reports 339,000. The Texas Department of Health and Human Services is tracking more than 7,200 cases in the state as does the Houston Chronicle. What we do know is that the virus has been quietly spreading across the country for several weeks, and these figures are just the beginning.

Following the number of cases and fatalities is a good place to start in understanding the magnitude of the crisis, but it fails to account for the deeper ramifications COVID-19 may have for different people in our region. As with other disasters, the most vulnerable populations will be disproportionately affected. In this brief, we aim to identify and quantify vulnerable groups in our region that COVID-19 will impact in a variety of ways. While this is by no means an exhaustive list, we hope it informs our collective response in assisting those who need it most.

COVID-19 and health risks in the Houston area

At publication time, more than 72,000 people around the world have died from COVID-19 — nearly 15% of whom were Americans. While hospitalization figures are inconsistent among states, the COVID Tracking Project reports more than 41,500 cumulative hospitalizations across the nation. Of course, the novel coronavirus poses significant public health risks, but for some, the risks are much higher.

Older adults

CDC researchers found that COVID-19 fatality rates increase with age, particularly for those over the age of 65. Death rates for Americans 85 years and older range from 10% to 27%, followed by 3% to 11% among persons aged 65–84 years, 1% to 3% among persons aged 55–64 years, and less than 1% among persons younger than 20. These findings are consistent with data from the first two months of 2020 in China.1

More than 660,000 adults over the age of 65 live in Fort Bend, Harris, and Montgomery counties. Worse, more than 134,000 (about one in five) live alone, with particularly high concentrations in Fort Bend County. Given their heightened vulnerability to the effects of COVID-19, older residents who live alone may face additional challenges safely obtaining the supplies and resources they need in order to practice social distancing. We also know that 134,000 seniors live below 150% of the poverty level, further hindering their ability to weather this crisis.

People with chronic health conditions

People with chronic health conditions like diabetes, compromised immune systems, heart disease, and asthma are also at higher risk of contracting and succumbing to COVID-19. The Institute for Health Policy at UT Health Science Center of Houston conducted an analysis of Census data in Harris County to map individuals with the highest risk for hospitalization and critical care needs. UTHealth researchers found that areas with the largest proportions of residents at high risk of critical illness from COVID-19 include Deer Park-Channel View, East Little York-Settegast, and Humble-Atascocita. 

The areas of Harris County where residents are mostly likely to need critical care for COVID-19 are shown in orange. (Photo by Heath of Houston/UTHealth)

Take a deeper look: Explore this interactive map to see how these and other risk factors correspond to confirmed COVID-19 cases in Harris County.


No one wants to get sick, but for those without health insurance, the stakes are even higher. The Houston Metropolitan Area is home to the largest number of uninsured in Texas, which has the largest number and rate of uninsured in the country. Workers without health insurance are most likely to be part-time, gig economy, or low-wage employees, which means they likely do not have paid sick leave, compounding risks.2

President Trump signed the “Phase 2 Stimulus Package” (the Families First Coronavirus Response Act) on March 18 which provides free testing, but individuals will still be responsible for paying their treatment costs. This could affect some of the more than 1.1 million people, including 184,300 children, in the three-county region who are uninsured. 

Mental Health

Harris County issued the first stay-home order effective March 17, but many of us are into our third or fourth week of staying home. The mental and emotional toll of COVID-19, for even the least vulnerable among us, will only continue as the pandemic wears on. Anxiety about the health of loved ones and ourselves, isolation, loneliness, and joblessness can all wear down our sense of well-being as the outbreak’s severity increases.

Coronavirus-related stress likely exacerbates pre-existing mental health conditions and mental health care access challenges in our region. As of 2018, the percentage of adults experiencing frequent mental distress (14 or more days of poor mental health within a month) in Houston’s three largest counties ranged from 9% in Fort Bend County to 12% in Harris County, where more than half of confirmed Houston-area cases of COVID-19 have been reported. 

While those who have access to mental health care may be able to continue treatment through remote appointments, many in the Greater Houston region lack access to care altogether. As of 2018, Houston’s three largest counties average one mental health care provider for every 988 residents, lower than the state average and less than half the national average. 

Economic risks of COVID-19 in the Houston area

Layoffs due to COVID-19 have begun throughout the Houston area, adding to challenges in healthcare access, mental health and more. Nearly 10 million Americans have filed for unemployment for the first time in the past two weeks, more than 431,000 of whom are from Texas. For the first time, the CARES Act expanded unemployment benefits and loans to these workers, but the process to connect people to these resources in a timely manner will be challenging.

As the graph below shows, these figures are unprecedented. Patrick Jankowski, senior vice president of research at the Greater Houston Partnership estimates mid-March job losses are nearly 38,000 in Metro Houston, though those figures can’t be confirmed until jobs data come out in early May. 

High-risk industries

The majority of unemployment claims are from workers in the service industry — hotels, bars, restaurants, entertainment, leisure — as well as retail and travel. One out of every five workers in the three-county region is employed in a sector at high-risk for job loss, totaling about half a million people. Houstonians in these high-risk industries earned nearly $4 billion in wages in the second quarter of 2019. 

While these industries are at immediate risk from the economic effects of COVID-19, the steep decline in oil prices will have longer-lasting and wide-ranging implications for businesses and workers in the oil and gas industry. Houston, as the energy capital of the world, will certainly be disproportionately affected.

Low-wage workers

Not all occupations in the aforementioned industries are at risk for layoffs. National data show that low-wage, part-time, and hourly workers in specific sectors have been hit the hardest with job and wage losses. The graph below shows the number of jobs and median annual salaries for workers grouped by job function. Occupations that are most at risk (in red) have the lowest salaries. Traditionally, that also suggests workers are paid hourly, don’t have health insurance, and don’t receive paid sick leave. Many groups will be eligible for paid sick leave and unemployment benefits offered by the federal government’s response to COVID-19, but not all, and workers will still have to make the difficult choice between protecting their health or earning an income. The stakes are high as 40% of Houstonians don’t have $400 in savings to deal with an unexpected emergency.

To view an interactive version of this graph, click here.

Small businesses

Small businesses in particular are struggling as everyone is told to stay home, and revenue has plummeted as a result. Nearly 127,000 small businesses employ fewer than 500 people in our region and comprise half of Houston-area businesses—most of these (89,500) employ fewer than 10, according to U.S. Census Bureau County Business Patterns. About 38 percent of small businesses in our region are minority-owned, putting livelihoods at risk and compounding challenges minorities have historically faced. 

A survey by the Greater Houston Partnership shows that 91% of its small business members (defined as 500 or fewer employees) have lost revenue, about half are not able to pay staff during the shut-down, and more than one-third have laid off workers. There is hope that recent federal legislation will slow some of the job losses as small businesses take advantage of the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP), which requires companies to use the majority of funds to continue to pay staff.

Vulnerable populations in the Houston area

In addition to the groups identified above, immigrants, those who experience homelessness, and school-aged children are especially vulnerable to the hardships caused by COVID-19. In general, residents who were struggling prior to the pandemic will face compounded economic hardship during the crisis. This includes individuals and families living in poverty and low-income working households, also called Asset-Limited, Income-Constrained, and Employed (ALICE). Again, what follows is not a complete list, but we hope to call out examples of people in our community who will need the most help.


Immigrants, especially those who are undocumented, are particularly vulnerable to crises like disasters and pandemics. Immigrants tend to have less access to information and services since they may not be as familiar with credible sources, or with knowing how to navigate the system, and are more likely to encounter language barriers.

More than 1.5 million Houstonians were born outside the U.S. but call the three-county region home—that’s one out of every four people. The Migration Population Institute estimates 473,000 undocumented immigrants live in Greater Houston. According to the Census Bureau, more than half of immigrants in the region speak English less than “very well.” A recent report from ProPublica highlights the obstacles limited English proficient speakers encounter trying to advocate for their medical care. Given there are more than 145 languages spoken in the region, the need for interpreters and translators right now is critical. To view a map of where immigrants live in Houston, click here.

Immigrants also tend to have less access to forms of federal and state assistance (even though most pay taxes) because they are typically excluded from government programs and they are less likely to take advantage of aid for which they are eligible. Compounding their vulnerability, immigrants are more likely to be uninsured and work low-paying jobs. They are also over-represented in sectors immediately affected by layoffs. Ironically, an analysis by the Migration Policy Institute found that six million immigrant workers are at the front lines of keeping Americans healthy and fed during the pandemic by working in hospitals, as care-givers, or on farms. 

Immigrants without legal status will have an even harder time weathering this pandemic as they are not eligible to benefit from the trillions of dollars in aid the federal government is releasing. In fact, the CARES Act, the $2.2 trillion stimulus package signed by President Trump on March 27, explicitly excludes them. Even mixed-status tax-paying households where American-born children have at least one parent without legal status will be ineligible for benefits.

Those who are homeless

People experiencing homelessness are particularly vulnerable during this pandemic. Homeless individuals tend to be older, and are more likely to suffer from mental illness and chronic conditions, making them more susceptible to the virus. Additionally, it is nearly impossible to follow CDC guidelines regarding social distancing, staying home, and regular hand hygiene without a permanent residence. 

A marginalized population in the best of times, the unique needs of these individuals are often deprioritized in times of crisis. According to 2019 data from the Coalition for the Homeless, nearly 4,000 sheltered and unsheltered people live in Fort Bend, Harris, and Montgomery counties. Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner announced on April 1 that the city will rent hotel rooms to shelter Houston’s homeless individuals, but this population will require much more support as this crisis continues.

School-aged children

While school districts in Texas are officially closed through May 4, many parents are preparing for schools to remain shuttered for the remainder of the academic year. Several organizations, districts, teachers, and parents have stepped up to ensure that children continue to learn, but with parents working from home and the general chaos COVID-19 has created, maintaining a high-quality education at home is challenging, particularly for low-income working parents and those without internet access or computers. For example, recent data from Los Angeles Unified (LAUSD), the second-largest school district in the country, show that about 15,000 high school students are absent online and have failed to do any schoolwork, and more than 40,000 (about one-third of all high schoolers) have not been in daily contact with their teachers since mid-March, suggesting that distance-learning is not reaching everyone.

Moreover, when students spend time away from school during the summer, they sometimes lose what they learned over the academic year, a concept known as “summer slide.” One study found that students lost between 25% and 30% of what they learned during the school year, with lower income students at a greater disadvantage than their wealthier peers. About 691,500 public school students (62% of students enrolled) in the three-county region are identified as economically disadvantaged, meaning they qualify for free or reduced-price lunch. For many children, these free or reduced-price school meals are their primary source of daily nutrition. And, for the 98,000 students with disabilities and special needs in our region, the consequences of being out of school for a prolonged amount of time could be even more serious.

Understanding challenges to help Houston move forward

COVID-19 may be the first pandemic any of us have lived through, but this is far from the first time Houstonians have dealt with adversity. We’ve seen how this community comes together — neighbor helping neighbor, stranger helping stranger. For the good of this region that we all call home, please stay home if you are able. The more we reduce our physical contact with each other, the more neighbors we can save. That, if anything, is clear. 

There are still plenty of ways to help from home. The United Way of Greater Houston and the Greater Houston Community Foundation have established the Greater Houston COVID-19 Recovery Fund, endorsed by Mayor Sylvester Turner and Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo, to support local nonprofits that help those we identified here and more. Visit today to see how you can get involved.

Additional Resources:

End Notes:

1 The same CDC study found that while fatality rates might be very low for young people, they are not entirely immune to the effects of COVID-19 — nearly 40% of those hospitalized for coronavirus from mid-February to mid-March were between the age of 20 and 54.
2 Recent federal legislation allows for paid sick leave.