Access to the Arts

Access to the Arts in Houston  Spending on arts and culture is increasing in our region, but not at a pace consistent with our growing population While access to and interest in art and cultural organizations is generally increasing, the three-county area still lags behind the nation in overall support.  Why access to arts matters …


Understanding Arts and Culture in Houston How our region’s creative resources benefit residents — some more than others The importance of art in our communities extends far beyond entertainment. Houston’s vibrant creative community also has tremendous benefits for both our economy and our diverse population. However, those benefits are not spread equally through our region, …

Air & Water Quality

Air and Water Quality Air and water quality has improved over the last couple decades but remain at levels that can harm public health, particularly the most vulnerable. Despite improvement in water and air pollution levels in Houston’s three-county region over the last two decades, People of Color and low-income communities continue to bear a …


Understanding environment amid a changing climate in Houston How our region’s air and water quality and climate change impacts affect our environment, health and future well-being Fundamental to our existence are clean air, potable water, and temperatures being “just right” on Earth. And while eight billion people share this planet, most environmental impacts are felt …

Housing Vulnerabilities

Housing Vulnerabilities in Houston Unsafe or unstable housing continues to threaten the health, well-being, and economic security of Houston-area residents.  Many low-income households lack the necessary resources to afford soaring rents and bounce back from disasters, leaving them more vulnerable to unsafe housing conditions, eviction or even homelessness. Why housing vulnerabilities matter to Houston Hundreds …

Housing Affordability & Ownership

Housing Affordability & Ownership Housing is the single largest expense for most households and has become less affordable for all, especially renters. Homeownership rates in Houston’s three-county region have not budged from what they were about a decade ago, and they remain disproportionately low among low-income and non-white households. More households are more likely to …


Understanding Housing in Houston Access to affordable and safe housing is critical to the health, quality of life, and well-being of all residents. Hundreds of thousands of Houston-area residents face housing insecurities and vulnerabilities. Many of our neighbors are burdened by housing costs and economic insecurity, and they have been negatively impacted by multiple devastating …

Health Risks & Outcomes

Health Risks & Health Outcomes in Houston Despite reductions in cancer mortality and lower rates of premature death than the state and nation, a sizable percentage of Houstonians continue to experience poor physical health and well-being More Houstonians have become sedentary, food insecure, unwell, obese and diabetic in recent years, with people of color disproportionately …

Mental Health

Mental Health Mental health conditions are common in the region, yet residents struggle to access mental health services in Houston Our region has seen a recent increase in mental distress frequency, drug use and suicides, exacerbating the existing mental health challenges across the Houston region. While the number of mental health care workers per resident …